Crisis Media Training FAQs
What is crisis media training?
When the unexpected happens, everything can unravel at alarming speed. As well as dealing with your stakeholders and concerned members of the public, the media may be camped on your doorstep (sometimes literally) demanding answers. This is no time for learning on the job – one bad answer could make a terrible situation far worse.
Through crisis media training we help you plan to respond for the unexpected through a mixture of theory and interviews based on realistic scenarios.
Who should be trained?
Chairs, CEOs, senior executives, communications team, heads of department, operations directors, subject specialists as well as those briefing spokespeople.
If desired, we offer two levels of training, intensive practical training for spokespeople and a shorter, less intense session for support staff. Anybody with potential involvement with journalists should have some training.
How can a crisis be relevant or realistic?
After researching your organisation and similar organisations as well as conversations with your communications team, we devise several fictitious but testing scenarios adapted to be relevant to each and every delegate.
Everyone will receive a printed simulated news copy and given time to prepare either individually or in a group.
How long does a media training session last?
For individuals or pairs – a half day is usually sufficient. This will allow enough time for 3-4 rigorous interviews each. For groups a day is usually required. It gives you the opportunity to learn by doing and improving on your last performance.
How large should a group be?
We recommend three to six in a group. We can train larger groups using multiple rooms and several trainers. This is appropriate when we are part of a large training day or conference.
Where do you train?
Where would you like the training? We offer multiple studios at different price points throughout the UK. Many clients like us to come to them, where we set up a simulated studio in the office. Alternatively, we can hire rooms near you.
How will be assessed?
We evaluate all clients providing personalised feedback and an assessment of your media readiness and the readiness of the team as a whole. In addition, we highlight strengths and weaknesses with advice about how to improve further.
Will I have a copy of the interviews?
Yes – enjoy!
Is everything confidential?
Yes. In order to be relevant, companies share confidential information with us. This information may be used during the training but at no other time. With your permission, we may identify strengths, weaknesses, and media readiness with your employer but only with your permission. All research and interview materials are destroyed after training in accordance with data guidelines.