Hawkeye Media Training Blog
After a media training session you will never listen or watch the news in the same way as before. You will spot experienced interviewees deflect awkward lines of questioning and some will talk with great passion about causes close to their heart. But it’s not always this way.
Those who really should know better can make a terrible hash of things even royalty, senior politicians and broadcasters.
During our weekly blogs we note what has gone well and not-so-well for those making the news. We offer regular advice slots and hot tips which we hope you will find useful.
How Media Training Can Help You with Remote Interviews and Presentations
The rise of remote working has made video calls and virtual presentations an essential part of business communication. For business leaders, mastering these formats is equally crucial, particularly when engaging in media interviews or delivering key presentations....
How to Speak with Different Media Types
Business representatives must know how to adapt their communication style to various media formats. Whether you’re speaking with a print journalist, giving a live radio interview or podcast, or appearing on television, understanding the nuances of each medium can make...
Don’t Mix Politics with Business
Navigating media interviews are challenging for business leaders and spokespeople, especially when questions veer into politically sensitive topics. Although politics is often intertwined with current affairs, those who steer clear of it in professional contexts can...
How to Make the Most of Your Media Training Course
Attending a media training course is an invaluable opportunity for anyone needing to handle interviews, press conferences, or crisis situations. To maximise the benefits, careful preparation and follow-up in the days after completing the course are essential. Here are...
Media Interview and Jargon: The Do’s and Don’ts
Delivering a clear and effective message during a media interview is crucial. One common pitfall that many professionals encounter, however, is the use of jargon. While it can sometimes demonstrate expertise, the misuse of jargon can alienate your audience and even...
Don’t Underestimate Radio Interviews
The power of radio interviews is often overlooked, a poor second to the visual appeal of television and the widespread reach of online press. However, dismissing radio as a less important platform to engage with is a mistake. Radio interviews offer the ability to...
Conquering the Fear and Stress of Public Speaking
Public speaking is a common source of fear and stress, affecting even the most confident people. Whether it's a presentation at a business conference or a live interview on TV or radio, the pressure to perform well can be overwhelming. With proper preparation,...
Finding “Sticky’ Messages
In the last few weeks, we have seen politicians grappling to find messages that will stick – the ones that will influence attitudes and crucially, votes. In the Brexit referendum, the controversial “£350 million a week sent to Brussels” claim had a dramatic impact on...
Mastering the Art of Creating Sound Bites
Whether you are a business CEO, politician, public figure, or anyone seeking to influence public opinion, mastering sound bites can significantly enhance your media presence and ensure your message resonates with your audience. Effective media training is crucial to...
Why Good Communications Leadership is Crucial During a Crisis Situation
In a crisis, the effectiveness of an organisation’s communication strategy can significantly impact its reputation and operational resilience, both in the short and long term. At these times, effective communication management becomes not merely beneficial but...
Career Ending Live Interview Mistakes and How to Avoid Them With Media Training Help
In today's digital age, live media interviews have become an integral part of business promotion and brand visibility. However, participating in live media interviews without proper preparation can lead to career-ending mistakes that could tarnish your reputation and...
Travel Chaos – Why Travel Industry Reps Need Media Training
In the world of travel, crises are not a matter of if, but when. From major flight cancellations to illness outbreaks on cruise ships, the travel industry is highly susceptible to unexpected disruptions. When these incidents occur, the spotlight turns quickly to...