Helen Glanville
Helen Glanville is the founder and director of Hawkeye Media™.
For more than 15 years Helen was a senior producer, director and programme editor of mainstream factual BBC TV programmes (Panorama, Newsnight, Watchdog, etc) as well as several investigative documentary series.
For the last fourteen years Helen has been media training UK industries advising them on strategies and messaging as well as making corporate videos and video news releases.
Helen regularly works with executive recruitment companies providing simulated media interviews for assessment and selection of CEOs and Vice-Chancellors.
Core skills embrace all aspects of TV video production, script editing and journalism, underpinned by a wealth of contacts in industry, government and broadcasting.
Helen has supported large international companies during disaster training throughout Europe, providing the broadcast element and post-exercise analysis.
Her early career was with the press: The Sunday Times, Sunday Mirror, Mail on Sunday, Times Educational Supplement and the Birmingham Post and Mail.
Helen has an impressive track-record at selling in stories to her media contacts from ‘Newsnight’ to ‘Blue Peter’.