A competent communications team should be able to handle any approach from the media for comment or interview, but they can’t do it successfully without help. Appropriate and regular media training for anyone who has contact with the media is a must to ensure that when media interview is requested, they are prepared and feel confident to handle any questions that come their way.
Media Interview Formats
Media interview requests come in many formats, these can include TV, radio and print. As media training experts, Hawkeye Media are perfectly placed to help any business or organisation that could come into contact with the media to ensure that the person or team in place has the skills they need to represent their organisation in a confident and competent manner whatever the format.
While there is a general rule of thumb in dealing with all forms of interview, each media interview format has its own particular considerations and requirements to understand and prepare for. Here is a quick overview of some of the more common formats media interviews come in, and some quick notes on each:
TV Studio interviews: TV studios are busy environments, often with a lot of equipment and people moving around. This can be difficult to navigate if you have never been to a TV studio before, in addition to the nerves you may be feeling for a live TV interview. At Hawkeye Media we can offer training in a range of realistic environment to ensure you have had some experience before your first interview request comes in. We will also discuss the use of broadcast specific phrases and acronyms, so you are prepared before you go in.
Down-the-line: This is a common format of media interview but can be difficult as you cannot see the person who is interviewing you. Unable to pick up on visual cues and facial expressions and often with an earpiece which makes it difficult to hear the exact words in the questions. Our practice sessions will get you familiar with this format and give you tips and advice on your own body language in these interviews.
Radio studio: Radio used to be an exclusively audio affair, but it is worth remembering that many radio stations now film their radio shows to share online so keeping to a similar format as the TV interview is advisable. In addition, radio interviews do tend to be short so keeping to the point is important.
Doorstep Interview: This could be from a crowd of journalists outside the organisations head office, or in certain circumstances outside a person’s home. This can be a very difficult and uncomfortable situation to deal with but with the correct media training you will be able to manage this situation and deliver some appropriate comments to the waiting journalists.
On the Sofa Interview: In our training we will explore how to sit confidently, have the right body language and remember that although the sofa might be comfortable on one of the breakfast news programmes, you can still have difficult or surprise questions that need to be answered well.
Multi-guest interviews: When there is more than one interviewee, this can present even experienced media spokespeople with challenges. Knowing how to get your message across without talking over other guests or descending into an argument are some of the difficulties in this type of interview.
To ensure your team is prepared for all these media interview format and more contact the Hawkeye Media Team to discuss a media training plan today.